About me
I completed my training at Bristol University and the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital in London in 2004, and am a member of the Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists.
My qualifications include:
BSc (Hons) Econ
DipHE (Hearing Therapy)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Stress
Previous roles include:
Advanced Hearing Therapist for 6 years at RNTNE Hospital, where I introduced music rehabilitation with hearing aids into my mainstream practise, speaking regularly at the Musician’s Information day
Guest lecturer at UCL Ear Institute Advanced Amplification masterclass - covering the impact of hearing loss on music appreciation
Advisory board member for the 3 year AHRC funded research project “Hearing Aids for Music” providing input with regards to patients experiences of music with onset of reduced hearing and delivering a talk demonstrating methods for improving music engagement following hearing loss
Hearing Therapy Consultant and Advocate for Musiclarity software, developed by Reactify as part of the 3D Tune In project at Imperial College London
Please contact me to see how we can work together.